суббота, 24 июля 2010 г.

Drug-Free Natural Highs

The brain is pretty good at playing tricks on us, especially on our moods. But that doesn’t mean we can’t play tricks on it, too.

Almost all mind-altering substances are actually similar to brain chemicals and work their effects by mimicking, enhancing, or blocking their effects. Which means we should be able to get “natural highs” without relying on these harmful substances.

Valium, for example, creates its effect by enhancing the neurotransmitter GABA in the brain, and some anti-depressants are SSRIs, or selective seratonin reuptake inhibitors—all simply making the brain do things it already does, just in different proportions.

A lot of herbs will do the same thing—St. John’s Wort and Kava Kava are two herbs well-known for their positive effects on mood and stress levels. Others, such as lemon balm, valerian, chamomile, peppermint, and skullcap, also have calming and balancing effects.

1 Runner’s high

The endorphins produced during exercise (of all forms, not just running) have a chemical effect on the brain: they are groups of peptides that interact with opiate receptors and reduce the perception of pain and stress—similarly to opiate drugs, except they are naturally occurring in the body and aren’t addictive. When endorphin levels increase, you feel happier and more relaxed.

2 Chocolate

No surprise here, but chocolate makes people happy because it contains substances that, again, trigger the release of endorphins.

3 Give of yourself

It’s also been shown that being generous—with your friends by treating them to lunch or by donating time or money to a favorite organization—makes people happier than spending money on material things. It seems that’s because the former produces joy in real-time but also memories that last much longer than whatever satisfaction that will come from a new pair of jeans (that may or may not fit once you start exercising more.

4 Diet

Snack on some carbs. Seriously—they are necessary for moving tryptophan across the brain. Tryptophan is the amino acid that makes up seratonin, the neurotransmitter heavily associated with mood, and when carbohydrates are not available in the bloodstream, tryptophan gets trapped and won’t move to where it needs to be. Neither will your mood.

Fruits known for fighting depression include papaya, bananas, strawberries, mangos, pineapple, grapefruit, guava, apricots, peaches, apples, and dates. Omega-3’s (but not from fish oil) are also important in combatting depression.

5 Herbs you’ve never heard of

Eating one potentilla leaf daily for a few weeks or months to notice a real difference—the long-lasting kind of happiness, rather than a fleeting sense of euphoria. Pulsatilla can have a complementary effect.

6 Saying thank you

Showing gratitude is also a mood-booster—possibly because once you stop to recognize how someone has helped you, you feel happier because you will remember and appreciate it for longer. Plus, you’ll feel better about not taking advantage of favors—and who doesn’t like a good “thank you?”

7 Massage therapy, acupuncture, meditation

All shown to boost secretion of endorphins.

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