воскресенье, 25 июля 2010 г.

50 Fabulous Superfoods for Pregnancy and Postpartum


Now more than ever, it's essential that you stay hydrated to provide your baby with the water it needs.

  1. Increase your water consumption: Whether you're pregnant or breastfeeding, you need to up your water consumption.
  2. 100% fruit juice: Although actually eating fruit is ideal, fruit juice is a good substitute for sodas and other drinks with empty calories.


Proteins are the building blocks for your baby. Eat these foods to make sure you're getting enough.

  1. Chicken: Chicken offers moms a good, low-fat source of much-needed protein.
  2. Peanut butter: Peanut butter is filling, full of folate, and a good source of protein.
  3. Unprocessed meats: Meats in their natural, but fully cooked, state are an excellent source of protein.
  4. Soy: While you're dealing with morning sickness, soy can help you get the protein you need.
  5. Couscous: Flavor up couscous or eat it plain to get protein in pregnancy.


Although hormones may have your system backed up, you can stay regular with the help of these fiber-full foods.

  1. Raspberries: Enjoy some tart raspberries for sweetness and fiber.
  2. Apple: Grab an apple on your way out the door for some fiber on the go.
  3. Figs: Figs pack in an amazing amount of fiber, bananas, calcium, and iron.
  4. Bananas: Bananas can fill you up with both fiber and potassium.

Vitamin C

Build collagen, healthy skin, and bones with this important vitamin.

  1. Oranges: Many women crave oranges in pregnancy, and it's no wonder why-oranges are packed with the Vitamin C you need.
  2. Lemon: Satisfy your sour craving and a need for Vitamin C with lemons.
  3. Green pepper: Get your Vitamin C by throwing some green peppers in your salad.
  4. Orange juice: Orange juice can give you Vitamin C, folic acid, potassium, and more for pregnancy.
  5. Watermelon: Watermelon offers a hydrating, Vitamin C-packed treat.
  6. Strawberries: Throw some strawberries in your smoothie or salad for Vitamin C.

Folic Acid

Ward off common birth defects by eating these foods rich in folic acid.

  1. Asparagus: Folic acid can be found in asparagus.
  2. Corn: On the cob, creamed, or even frozen, corn can give you the folic acid your baby needs.
  3. Spinach: This dark green leaf is full of folic acid.
  4. Peas: Peas are good for naturally occurring folate.
  5. Beans: Beans are great for protein, folate, and complex carbohydrates.
  6. Chickpeas: Enjoy some hummus to get your serving of folic acid.


Zinc is great for keeping away colds drug-free in pregnancy, plus the careful building and functioning of DNA.

  1. Eggs: Eggs aren't just great for protein-they can pack in the zinc you need for breastfeeding.
  2. Mozzarella: Mozzarella cheese is packed with zinc for moms.
  3. Lobster: Crack open a lobster for a tasty serving of zinc.


Protect your bones and give your baby's teeth and bones a good start by loading up on calcium rich food.

  1. Yogurt: Yogurt is a good source of protein and calcium, and tastes great with fresh fruit and nuts.
  2. Milk: Lowfat milk offers so much per serving, especially calcium and protein.
  3. Go nuts: Almonds and hazelnuts can provide you with some of your calcium needs.
  4. Raw vegetables: Many raw vegetables offer a good serving of calcium.
  5. Broccoli: Broccoli isn't just a great source of calcium-it has Vitamin C, folate, and B6.


Long-lasting carbohydrates can offer fullness and the energy you need to keep going.

  1. Oatmeal: This fiber-full breakfast and snack is great for carbohydrates, too.
  2. Whole grain bread: Whole grain bread can give you a good dose of fiber and nutrition while offering healthy carbs.
  3. Whole flour: Whole flour offers a great way to get your zinc.
  4. Popcorn: A handful of air-popped popcorn offers fiber and useful carbs.
  5. Blueberries: Keep your energy levels high with these berries that are packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.
  6. Whole grain cereal: Whole grain cereal is easy to eat and full of good carbs, vitamins, and other nutrients.
  7. Brown rice: Brown rice can give you long-lasting energy.


Be sure you're getting enough iron to keep your energy levels up.

  1. Lean beef: Lean beef is a good source of protein and iron.
  2. Artichokes: Add artichokes to pastas and salads for an iron boost.
  3. Dried fruit: Dried fruit like prunes and raisins are great for iron.
  4. Mollusks: Enjoy mollusks including oysters, clams, and scallops for iron.

Vitamin A

Eat these foods for Vitamin A, which is essential to embryonic growth.

  1. Carrots: Carrots don't just help your eyesight-they're packed with the Vitamin A you need.
  2. Cream cheese: Spread some cream cheese on a fortified whole grain bagel for a little tasty Vitamin A.
  3. Sweet potatoes: Enjoy a sweet potato baked or even as sweet potato fries to pack a Vitamin A punch.

Fatty acids

These foods with fatty acid are incredibly valuable for growth and development of your baby.

  1. Seeds: Seeds an supply your body with essential fatty acids.
  2. Flaxseeds: Flaxseeds are a good source of Omega 3 fatty acids.
  3. Shrimp: Throw some shrimp on the barbeque, in your salad, or in your pasta to up your Omega 3 fatty acid intake.
  4. Salmon: Salmon is a powerhouse full of DHA, and an even help your mood.


Treat yourself now and then for a mommy pick me up.

  1. Dark chocolate: For new moms, dark chocolate full of antioxidants just might be the ticket to busting a bad mood.

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